6/28-7/2/2021 Cross Culture Youth Summer Program 跨文化營
Our theme for this summer is EXPANSION. Our goal is for students to explore different cultures, reflect on their own cultural practices and perspectives, and acquire tools to continue expanding their understanding of the world.
今年的主題是 ~擴~展~ 處在多元多變的世代,讓我們的孩子有跨文化的眼光與胸襟,預備他們走得廣,走得遠 In the evening we have "New Generation Cross Culture Workshop Series" -- Virtual gathering for age 13 and above to participate in a "workshop series" featuring speakers, facilitated discussion, and presentation opportunities. Who is in "the new generation"? Anyone -- teenagers, young adults, parents, grandparents -- with a forward-looking mindset!“ 美西晚間的”新世代跨文化座談” 開放給全球不同地區,邀請有新世代思維的你參加,一連五天網上系列座談,座談之後有分組討論與學員報告。 The AM program is a project-based camp where students (ages 9 -15 ) can have fun creating performances on cross-cultural experience while honing their skills in public speaking, peer collaboration, and bilingualism.上午 "雙語演與說" 為活潑有趣的項目式學習,為七歲以上的學員設計。用短劇呈現他們跨文化經驗,訓練口條、與人合作,雙語表達。 |